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Ep. 18: A Dingo Ate My Body!: The Tamam Shud Case

Emma gets real lazy this week and retells Shannon one of her favorite mysteries: The Tamam Shud Case. Luckily, Shannon remembers none of it! Was this man a Soviet spy? Or a British seaman? No one knows, but maybe we figure it out!

Ep. 18: A Dingo Ate My Body!: The Tamam Shud Case

Speaker A: Mhm.
Speaker B: I'm gone.
Speaker A: So hey.
Speaker B: Hello.
Speaker A: Hi.
Speaker B: I'm Emma.
Speaker A: I am Shannon.
Speaker B: And welcome, uh, to this podcast doesn't exist. I always feel the need to pause.
Speaker A: You always pause. And I always go, oh, am I supposed to? No. Okay. I won't say anything.
Speaker B: No, you don't have to worry about it.
Speaker A: I'm just here as a passenger.
Speaker B: I'm going to need you to buckle in then.
Speaker A: How expensively?
Speaker B: Not too extensively. Because you actually know this case.
Speaker A: I do.
Speaker B: Yes, you do. So, uh, I was the utmost of lazy people this past week. It was two snow days for me, which meant nothing because my puppy, Penny had a she tore her ACL.
Speaker A: Um, she's such an athlete.
Speaker B: Well, she's a lot of muscle, so she definitely overexerted herself. And she tore her ACL. Uh, and so obviously, she had to get it repaired. But now she is very upset, sitting in a cone, um, and just being a right old brat about it. Um, because she's a talker, not a barker, so she just grumbles at us all day. Um, but that was basically it was like having a newborn, honestly. There was a full night where we got no sleep and we took shifts to make sure that she was okay. And that was awful. We figured it out. We're fine. But we are both very tired, Peter and I. Um, and we are very ready to have her heal, but it's going to take eight weeks. So I was the utmost of lazy, because not only did that happen, but I started a new job, um, in conjunction with my old one, so that got crazy. So I apologize that you have heard this one already from me, but they have not, because it got eaten by my computer when we first.
Speaker A: Recorded, while any of my family was listening, is calling me out, uh, that I just snorted. Because at our family gatherings, it's always.
Speaker B: A thing that everyone snorts.
Speaker A: Well, it's like we are laughing. People are a real none of us are super skinny many, so we just are very hardy laughter. Laughters. Mhm sure. And it's just a thing like my dad or other people, like, oh, the first one is like but I'm like, that's not cute. I'm not ashamed. I think some people are trying to be like, oh, my God, no, I didn't do it. I'm like, Nah, that happened.
Speaker B: Your laugh should never be something you're embarrassed about. Uh, yeah, there was a girl I went to, uh, elementary school with, and she laughed like she was a goose. It was genuinely like a honk whenever she left. Apparently, that killed Chan.
Speaker A: No, I think I would have hated that girl.
Speaker B: Oh, she was delightful. But it was very loud. It was a honk. I'm not going to even try to recreate it. But what I appreciated about her and this is like an elementary school this.
Speaker A: Is like fourth or fifth grade formative times.
Speaker B: Exactly. A lot of people would try and make fun of her, and her answer always was, which I'm sure this was great parenting on her family's, uh, part, but her answer always was, it's my laugh. It means I'm happy. Why would I try and hide it? And I'm like, Okay, that's fair. That's fair.
Speaker A: One of the things where you feel like a terrible person when you're annoyed by someone you're like, it's literally just who they are. They can't change it. Why do I resent you right now?
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Can, um, I tell you something?
Speaker B: No.
Speaker A: I don't remember what topic.
Speaker B: I'm glad that's what I was banking on.
Speaker A: Uh, I have no idea. So it's a new day.
Speaker B: Hold on.
Speaker A: I never did buckle in. Let me get both sides. I'm going to make it an airplane.
Speaker B: That's a good idea because we're going all the way to Australia.
Speaker A: Oh, okay. I remember, but I don't remember the date. Okay.
Speaker B: That's why I did this. This is me being the utmost lazy because these notes were already you're not.
Speaker A: Being lazy, you're being resourceful.
Speaker B: I was waiting for that knowledge. I was going to keep this for a while and see if I could make it to like, one year anniversary. But no. Rough week. We needed something that was there already. And this is an amazing case. This is one of my very favorites. It was supposed to be my first, and now it's the 18th, which is my 9th, I guess. Yeah. Anyway, so this is the Tommshoot case. This is also known as the Summertime Beach mystery or the enigma of the quote, unknown man, but I learned it as the Tommy Shoot case. So it is Tuesday, November 31, 948 in Adelaide, South Australia, and it is the first day of southern summer because we're in the Southern hemisphere, so winter is in our summer up here in the Northern hemisphere, and their summer is in our winter. So they have very sunny, warm Christmas. A jeweler and his wife are walking on Summerton Beach at around 07:00 p.m.. A smartly dressed man was lying in the sand, his legs outstretched with his feet crossed and leaning against the sea wall about 20 yards from where they were walking. And they watched as he raised his right hand and then let it fall. And they just assumed he was drunk, which, honestly, I would have done too. Like, you see someone kind of like half sleeping on the beach.
Speaker A: Leave you be, enjoy your life, summer. Maybe you had a little cocktail situation.
Speaker B: Regardless, Tuesday night, whatever, man. Feel free. So they moved on. Another couple passed about half an hour later and saw the same man in the same position. But this time he looked asleep. He wasn't moving. The girlfriend noted how out of place his clothes seemed. She thought he was, like, too shiny, like he had nice shoes. He was dressed in a really nice outfit, like suit jacket. Tie, all that. So she was like, it's a little odd that he's, uh, falling asleep on the beach. You'd assume that that might be someone experiencing homelessness or someone who just decided, this is where I'm going to sit for the night. Not usually someone in a business suit, but okay. They decided, the couple, that he was asleep and that he didn't notice the mosquitoes that were surrounding his face. And the boyfriend remarked, he must be dead to the world not to notice them. This was true because in the next morning, it became obvious that this man was not faking it. He truly was super dead. Which I wrote, super dead.
Speaker A: He's like, super dead.
Speaker B: He's like, super dead. He was found in the exact position that the couples described him in. He was slumped against the sea wall, his legs out, his feet crossed. There were no marks of violence, no evidence of any kind of outward, uh, force whatsoever. 3 hours later, the body arrived at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, where the doctor put the time of death at around 02:00. A.m.. He was cold. They arrived at the beach. Takes about 24 hours, depending on the ambient temperature around the body to have it cool completely. This is weird stuff that Emma knows. He guessed that the likely cause of death was heart failure and also said he suspected that the man had been poisoned. He was around his late 40s, they assumed, so the heart failure thing wasn't unusual. But of course, poison is poison is very unusual. But the autopsy didn't find poison. Instead, pathologist John Dwyer found that his pupils were smaller than normal and he called them unusual. His spleen was strikingly large and firm, about three times its normal size, end quote. Which just how does that even fit in your body?
Speaker A: That just makes me uncomfortable. Like, I don't want someone talking about my organs that way.
Speaker B: Right.
Speaker A: I guess if I'm found under mysterious circumstances do what you got to do.
Speaker B: Strikingly large and firm.
Speaker A: No.
Speaker B: Three, there was spit on the side of his mouth, which, I mean, makes sense for both a dead body and potentially a poisoned person.
Speaker A: Or a drunk person.
Speaker B: Or a drunk person. Four, his liver was distended with congested blood, which means one of two things. One, it was ruptured, but it wasn't noted. Or two, he ingested a lot of blood and it was filtered into his liver. No, his stomach contained remnants of the last meal he had, which was a pasty, which is like a little hand pie. And there was more blood in his stomach. So that correlates with the idea that he ingested blood.
Speaker A: Sorry, I can't make a sound I want to make because I don't want to do that as an audio experience for, uh, people.
Speaker B: But just know that she's going full turtle grump. His toes were oddly wedge shaped, as if he had been, quote, in the habit of wearing high heeled and pointed shoes.
Speaker A: Maybe he's a dark queen.
Speaker B: And his calf muscles were high and very well developed, like yours.
Speaker A: Shout out to the McCarthy Cabs. We didn't have to do any work for them.
Speaker B: No, but, Dang, they look like you do. Like you take your bike around for five mile cycling sessions.
Speaker A: Yeah. What do people even do to define their Cabs?
Speaker B: Mine, um, are already defined, so they even had an expert chemist whose name I could not find, do repeated tests of his blood and organs. But there wasn't even the faintest trace of poison, which Dwyer, the pathologist was astounded by, because he's assuming this guy has ingested blood. His spleen is completely abnormally sized, his pupils are weird, his liver is completely distended, like something's up.
Speaker A: Well, and if there had been some sort of, like, internal injury, that would be noted. Yeah, to explain why there'd be so much blood in his stomach. Like his esophagus tore or I don't know.
Speaker B: Yeah, for Dwyer, he was like, this makes no sense as to why he's not poisoned. Like, why can't we find it? So no cause of death was found, which left the corner in a very difficult situation. The only possible solution was that there was a very rare kind of poison that was completely digested and decomposed fairly quickly after death so that it left no trace when they did an autopsy. The coroner was told by Cedric Stanton Hicks, very important sounding, he was a professor of physiology and pharmacology at the University of Adelaide, that it could be one of two possibilities. One, digitalis, which is the fancy name for foxglove, which is a fairly common poison from forever ago. Like, it's commonly been used as either a way to make you throw, uh, up, or a way to, uh, make you die. It's a very fine line. There's a musical reference. Did you watch Avenue Q? Have you ever seen Avenue Q? Never in it's not my brand of humor. It's fine.
Speaker A: Yeah, I think it's a little too over, that fine line for me.
Speaker B: It is, because it's puppets, and there's weird things that happen with puppets.
Speaker A: I've heard Malora had to teach students when they did it. The mhm musical. Yeah.
Speaker B: All right, beyond that, we'll move on. Two was Stropanathin or wobain. Shannon remembers her lines.
Speaker A: Oh, I said that last year. I'm nothing if not predictable, friends.
Speaker B: Let's call it consistent.
Speaker A: Yeah, consistent.
Speaker B: So, uh, wolbain is a rare glucose derived from seeds of some African plants used historically by a Somalian tribe to poison their arrows. Uh, it was also used in small doses at this time to treat arrhythmias and heart conditions. So the idea that maybe he I haven't had breakfast. I know. Uh, I woke up really late today. I was supposed to be here at nine. I was here at nine three, which is late for me, usually. I'm here at 855. If I were going to be here at nine. I woke up at eight and I had to take the puppy out. I had to get dressed. I had to do all of my stuff, so I didn't eat breakfast.
Speaker A: I was just putting the cattle on when she got here.
Speaker B: Anyway, uh, the fact that there was a possibility of a heart attack or some kind of heart condition being the reason why he died, it's a cause of death would kind, um, of explain this if it were something, because this is a possibility of what could have been in his system, so it would make sense. But neither could be easily found in the autopsy, even if they were looking for it. So it, uh, wouldn't matter what dosage it was. They probably wouldn't be able to find it, no matter what test they did. But there was no evidence of vomiting or convulsion, except maybe when he raised his hand and set it back down. But to me, that makes it seem like he raised his hand to be like, whoa, what's happening?
Speaker A: You know what I mean? Or like, maybe something was going on where he couldn't speak, but he was, like, trying to get attention from that couple. Maybe convulsion portrays this idea of sporadic, uh, plastic movement.
Speaker B: So it makes no sense to me that that would possibly be a convulsion, but I had to mention it. But there's no evidence of vomiting. Um, there's just, like, a little round of mouth, which is gross, but not, like, evidence of poisoning. And usually, even if this is a substance, uh, that you ingest regularly for a heart condition, and it's just at a larger dosage, regardless, your body wouldn't probably take that.
Speaker A: Even if, say, um, he vomited and convulsed and stuff at a different location and was somehow translated there, wouldn't there be some sort of evidence of vomiting.
Speaker B: Um, in the mouth, like acid traces or something like that? Uh, Dwyer didn't find it, so there was no evidence of vomiting, which is odd. But both of these substances, this digitalis and the strapanistan, were fairly easy to procure without any reason at a chemist, because this is like, if you need it here.
Speaker A: That was back still when they were like, mothers, have a little bit of cocaine to get you through the day.
Speaker B: Give your babies whiskey to make them sleep.
Speaker A: It's fine.
Speaker B: Yes. So, apart from the unusual findings of the autopsy, what they found on the man was equally baffling. He was found with a halfsmoked or unlit cigarette. There are differing, um, accounts on his collar as, uh, though it had fallen from his mouth, but I don't know if they'd checked or if it was just kind of, like, thrown on him, like, I don't know. In his pockets were the following an unused second class rail ticket from Adelaide to Henley Beach, which is a suburb of Adelaide, and a bus ticket from the city that may or may not have been used because it wasn't whole punched. It wasn't punched. Uh, a pack of Juicy Fruit chewing gum, which I was just thinking about Juicy Fruit as a thing then, but it must have been anyway a box of matches, two combs or one, which may have been a US manufactured aluminum comb again, differing accounts and a pack of Army Club cigarettes that actually contain seven cigarettes of another more expensive kind called concitas which is weird that you have a different brand inside of a different packet but it may have been that he bought another packet, didn't want people to try and bum a nice cigarette off of him like that.
Speaker A: Checksmakes commercial uh oh, yeah, where they put it in a boring potato chip bag and everyone's like, Oh, never mind.
Speaker B: Uh, yeah, but then you have to check all to yourself. My favorite. So, yeah. What they didn't find was more annoyingly unusual. He had no wallet, no cash, no hat, which in 1948 was unusual apparently no identification of any kind, no name tags or makers labels on any of his clothing excepting one item, which I couldn't necessarily find which one this was, but it was a maker's, um, label, not a name tag. And all of these makers labels or name tags had been carefully clipped out and a trouser pocket had been fixed, uh, with a weird variety of orange thread. Okay, so now the police are really like, what? Because that's what I wrote. They took his fingerprints and distributed them throughout Australia and then the rest of the Englishspeaking world and there were no hits. Why restrict yourself to the Englishspeaking world? I don't know but this was also 1948, this is right after the Second World War.
Speaker A: You have to be just visually comparing yeah, no, doesn't matter.
Speaker B: Exactly. So the dental records that they took, two produced no hits, they took impressions and they were no hits. His photo was published in the newspaper and people from around Adelaide and relatives of missing persons were brought to the mortuary in the hope that they could identify the man, but no one could. That's just so sad to me, though, too, of being that kind of hopeful that, hey, this might be him, the person that I've lost for years.
Speaker A: And then it's sort of hopeful because you want closure but then also part of you doesn't want it to be.
Speaker B: Them because then they're dead anyway. But, uh, no one could identify him. The police widened the search to hopefully locate some possessions since no one in Adelaide could identify him, thinking that maybe he was a tourist and therefore may have stayed at a hotel or passed through a train station in less luggage or maybe someone had seen him when he walked through. They searched every hotel cleaners, lost property, office and railway station and finally found at the main train station a brown suitcase in a cloak room deposited there on November 30 the same day the couple saw the man on the beach. So the staff didn't remember the man. And the contents of the suitcase weren't necessarily very helpful, but they were able to figure out that this was most likely his. So in the suitcase were an orange card of thread that matched the repair in the dead man's trousers. So at least we know that the trousers came from this suitcase. Why are you laughing?
Speaker A: Because Dead Man's Trousers sounds like a Pirates of the Caribbean knockoff. Uh, I don't know why. That's just very funny.
Speaker B: So I'm going to tell you a little tidbit from what I remember doing this case earlier, um, you said Deadman's Trousers was the perfect metal band name.
Speaker A: I stand by that, too.
Speaker B: Again, consistency.
Speaker A: Thank you. You're welcome.
Speaker B: A stencil kit and brush used by the third officer on merchant ships responsible for the stenciling of cargo. A little weird, but okay. A table knife, sharpened to a point. He has shiv. A red checked dressing gown that a tailor determined was from America based on the unusual stitching pattern. Size seven pair of red felt slippers mapped the dressing gown. Four pairs of underpants pajamas. A shaving kit, a light brown pair of trousers with sand in the cuffs. An electrician screwdriver, which I did ask Peter, because he was an electrician's apprentice for a little while. What an electrician screwdriver? Mhm was. And he had to think about it for a second. And then he realized, oh, it's got a rubber handle so that you can electrocute yourself if you stick it somewhere it's not supposed to go.
Speaker A: How handy. How smart.
Speaker B: Yeah. There was a pair of scissors with sharpened points. Uh, so he had two shifts.
Speaker A: Or is it three? The scissors have two blades.
Speaker B: Smart.
Speaker A: Mhm maybe you could just slip.
Speaker B: Visual bits.
Speaker A: Visual bits. Mark it on your bingo card. If we put it on I think we put it on the bingo card.
Speaker B: You did. Or it's on the list of haley.
Speaker A: Gave me so many recommendations.
Speaker B: Uh, it's on the mark three, which is take a moment and appreciate haley.
Speaker A: I thought you were going to harmonize with me.
Speaker B: Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. A small square of zinc that could have been used as a sheath for the knife or the scissors. So it was like a little pocket of zinc. I don't really know how that is.
Speaker A: Yeah. Is it a mineral? A metal how does that, uh okay, we don't know.
Speaker B: Pencils. An unused letter stationery. A singlet, which is basically like a wrestling outfit kind of situation. Probably more so his bathing suit. In any case, a laundry bag and a tie. So there were no stickers or markings on the suitcase, and a label had been torn off from one side. There were tags missing from the clothing except for three. And it's the last three on the list. The singlet, the laundry bag and the tie. And they all had the same name of Keen.
Speaker UNK: Uh, mhm.
Speaker B: The police couldn't trace anyone with that name and concluded that someone had left them on purpose, knowing that they couldn't be traced. So it's not an unknown practice at this time to put your name in clothing, but this is also after World War II, so it's not uncommon as well to buy second hand clothing that already had a name in it and either remove that name and put your own in or just leave it because you're wearing it and it's fine, you know, it's yours.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker B: So it's hard to get new clothing because of rationing and all that stuff, so it's not uncommon. But it would not be his name that was in this. But it is a little weird that we can't find a T. Keen or anyone by that name. So let me show you them finding them, finding the suitcase and the smaller contents of the suitcase. You'll find these photographs on our Instagram at this podcast. Doesn't exist.
Speaker A: The middle guy looks like Grandpa Joe.
Speaker B: You said that the last time too.
Speaker A: I stand by it. From Charlie or Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory, which is the superior edition. Sorry, joined up.
Speaker B: You're weird. Yeah, but yeah. So they're just rifling through clothes, but.
Speaker A: Got to figure out the chain of whatever for evidence. We don't need that. We, uh, just touch everything. What's, uh, DNA? We don't know.
Speaker B: John Mulaney. Uh, stand up bit where detectives and the 1900s would be like, hey, this is a dead person. We've outlined him in chalk. Oh, that's pool of blood. Clean it up. Don't want it. Let's get back to my hunch.
Speaker A: This makes me laugh.
Speaker B: I love it. So eventually, the city decided that the body would have to be buried since it was starting to get real gross. Yeah. They first embalmed the body and took a cast of his head and shoulders.
Speaker A: Oh, no.
Speaker B: Which makes no sense to me if you have a photograph.
Speaker A: Who was it? I don't. I'm terrible with names. But the doctor in more recent times. The doctor who murdered his entire family because he lost his job and was facing bankruptcy and all these things. And then he left them all in the ballroom of their mansion with music playing for days until the neighbors came and he disappeared. They eventually caught him because of a bust that someone did of him. Like, age progressed. And then it turned out they had a Tiffany window in their ballroom bed that would have paid for all of the debts. Anyway.
Speaker B: We won't be doing that one, obviously, because it's a solved case, but I can't remember the name of it, and I, um, know that my favorite murder. And that's why we drink. And Morbid podcasts have all done it. So just go, uh, to them.
Speaker A: I'm sure if you Google, like, doctor family killer, Tiffany window.
Speaker B: Yeah, he's called a family annihilator oh, yeah.
Speaker A: Did you Jersey?
Speaker B: I don't remember.
Speaker A: I feel like it was neither food. It was Jersey.
Speaker B: Anyway, so this guy is going to get gross. They bulb him, they take a cast. Then they buried him under concrete on December 10, 1948, in a plot of dry ground specifically chosen in case they needed to exhume him at a later date. So that's the reason why there's concrete, uh, on top of him.
Speaker A: That's rude.
Speaker B: It's to make sure that there's no animal interference, no element interference, to try and make sure, uh, that if the need arises to assume him back up, they can just remove the gigantic thing.
Speaker A: Uh, they are really forward thinking. Part of their business.
Speaker B: Right?
Speaker A: They're like, no, whatever dingo ate my body. I think you might have just named.
Speaker B: The episode never Happened. All right, so four months after the man was found, another expert was brought in to reexamine the possessions. John Cleland, emeritus professor of Pathology at the University of Adelaide, examined all of these possessions and produced the most baffling and the last piece of physical evidence. In this case, in a small pocket, most likely for a fob watch, which was sewn into the waistband of the dead man's trousers. You know how, like, yoga pants will have that tiny pocket? So this was similar to that. But this is where I keep my.
Speaker A: Pocket, uh, watch in my yoga. Yes, your New York and my fancy pocket watch.
Speaker B: But this piece, uh, of his trousers had been missed before, but inside, uh, of it was a tightly rolled, tiny piece of paper, which, when opened, read tamam shoot, printed in, quote, elaborate script. So most likely this script was meant to resemble handwriting because it was definitely printed script. Police reporter Frank Kennedy recognized the phrase as Persian, which, like, Whoa.
Speaker A: Okay, lucky that it was him and not John Smith working that day, right?
Speaker B: But he told the police to look at a copy of The RubyAt of, uh, Omar Kaham, a book on poetry reflecting on life and morality. Its theme, uh, is that one should live life to the fullest with no regrets when it ends. In most English translations, the book ends with the phrase tamam shud, which, translated, means it is ended. I also want to say, at Christmas, we were at my in law's house, all cove and safe, because everyone had been there for a really long time, and we had our tests and everything. So don't worry people, but they have a fairly extensive library. And when I say library, I don't just mean a room. I mean their house is covered in books, and a lot of them have been gifted from other family members or they're collected from the kids growing up, all of that. And there's this room that currently is like the cat room, where their kitty cat, Amber, sometimes sleeps, and that's where her food is and all that to keep it away uh, from everything. So that's where she was. And in that room, there's bookshelves and tons of books. I was in that room feeding the cat right before going to bed. And in the same shelf as where the cat food was was this shelf of beautiful old 1920s books. And because I'm me, I'm investigating them, and on the shelf is The RubyAt. And so I open it because immediately.
Speaker A: I'm like, Oh, my gosh.
Speaker B: So I pull it off and I open it, and it's a printing from, like, 1926, I think. And I flip all the way to the back. I don't even care about the front flip all the way to the, um, back to read to see if Tommy Shoot is in there. And the way that this one would have had to have worked is that Tomm Shud would have had to have been separated from the rest, um, of the verse at it's the very end of the verse, uh, that it comes from. It would have had to have been separated from the rest of the verse in order to be, um, cut out. The way that it was. It wasn't separated. And I was like, No, I didn't.
Speaker A: Find the last rubyte.
Speaker B: Because no one could find this rubyte version. They couldn't find this edition that matched this typeface, regardless of the numerous copies of the RubyAt. This was a weirdly popular book at the time. And my guess is, because it's right after World War II, everyone's feeling fairly like this might be the last day we ever have kind of thing like trying to make the most of life now that they have their people back. But yeah. So I could have found the lost copy and been like, what if I could compare that?
Speaker A: No, it would have certainly helped the podcast.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Great. Decades old crime, right?
Speaker B: Almost a century now. No, that's not true. This is 2021.
Speaker A: Century is 1000 years, right?
Speaker B: No, century is 100 years.
Speaker A: Then what's? 1000 a millennia. Yeah. Millennium. Yeah. I know things. Um.
Speaker B: Both of us are struggling with hardcore.
Speaker A: It is early.
Speaker B: It's not it's 11:24 a.m. Anyway, moving on. The discovery of the translation could be evidence of a case of suicide, they thought. And the South Australian police never turned this case into a murder investigation. Rather more of a missing person inquest and inquiries. It wasn't deemed a suicide. It wasn't deemed a murder. It was just kind of like, we don't know who he is. We don't know how he died. Big, huge question mark. So eight months later, in July of 1949, a man walked into the detective office of Adelaide with a rare copy of the RubyAt and told Detective Sergeant Lionel a really, uh, weird story. And there's some strong speculation about the truth of this, but we're going to roll with it. Early the previous December, when the dead man had been found on the beach, this guy and his brotherinlaw went for a drive in their car that was parked a few hundred yards from somerton, uh, beach. The brother in laws found the book on the floor of the rear seats. The men assumed it belonged to the other and stuck it in the glove compartment, which, why don't you ask, is this yours? No, it's not mine. Weird.
Speaker A: Well, maybe they were doing something like, uh, you get in your friend's car, like when you get in my car and I have audiobooks and an ice scraper and whatever, you just stick it on the floor, like, tuck it in without being like, shannon, this ice creper, where do I put it? You just move it. It's fine.
Speaker B: All right, well, that's fair. Once the new newspapers put out that the police were searching for a copy of the Rubyte, they pulled out the copy and looked closer and noticed that the final page had been torn out, which would have had the last words on it. And it's not necessarily torn out. It has been pieces of it have been cut out. And I'll show you a picture in a second. Detective Lean took a closer look at the book, which was a 1941 edition of Edward Fitzgerald's translation published by Whitcombe and Tombs in Christchurch, New Zealand, and almost immediately found two telephone numbers written in pencil on the rear cover. He went fullblown Sherlock with a magnifying glass and made out the faint impression of some other letters written in capital underneath. So finally we've got a clue. Cryptic, but we got a clue. So I'm going to show you some photos because there are lots. If the torn cut out potentially mhm last few verses of that, and then we have our cryptic scroll back up.
Speaker A: Mhm, you look like a turtle.
Speaker B: One number was unlisted, but they found that the other belonged to a nurse who lived near Summerton Beach. She was only known by her nickname in the newspapers of Jestyn, which is spelled, uh, J-E-S-T-Y-N. It doesn't sound similar to any other name. Like, I don't know.
Speaker A: She is clearly a time traveler from the year 2017, obviously, whose mom wanted to be very creative.
Speaker B: Well, this is also just her nickname, so I don't know if she came up with this nickname or someone else did. I don't know.
Speaker A: But they're like, let's pick a name that won't be confused with anyone's actual name so that in the newspaper that might be no one will get confused or offended, maybe.
Speaker B: The police then were pretty willing to protect witnesses identities and there was no reason not to protect her identity, so they allowed the nickname to fly. She reluctantly eventually admitted that she had presented a copy of the book to a man she knew during the war named Alfred Boxal. The police found Bogsal's residence in Maroonburg, New South Wales. And they got all excited like, okay, we're going to go. It's going to be like, Oh, my gosh, he's been missing for days. We don't know where he's or years at this point. We don't know where he's been. This dude was still alive and had the copy of the rubiot that Justin had given him intact with her inscription. So now they're back to square one. They're like, Oh, dang. It weird that your number was in the back of this RubyAt, but you also gave her ruby out to another dude. Uh, it's just her move.
Speaker A: She pulled a me and accidentally ordered a whole carton of them from Amazon and has just been giving them out to people. Anyone wants a yellow dot journal? Yeah. Standing out a lot. So many.
Speaker B: All right, so Justin was interviewed, but not very well. She revealed that at some point in the previous year, neighbors told her that while she was out, an unknown man called at her door and asked for her, but she couldn't remember the date. She said last year. So they were like, Okay, slightly unhelpful, but fine. They also showed her a cast of the dead man, and she almost fainted, which made them think that she did know who he was, although she adamantly denied knowing who he could be or ever meeting him.
Speaker A: I thought, sorry.
Speaker B: That's okay.
Speaker A: Maybe they took the cast mhm because that's, like, less of the dead body. The cast of the dead body, because that's less jarring than seeing, like, an autopsy photo.
Speaker B: I feel like it would be more because it's, like, the same size, maybe, because then you're basically looking at a dummy of that person. I guess to me, the photograph is.
Speaker A: Less like especially because it wasn't like.
Speaker B: A yes, it's not gruesome. And you have to remember, she's a nurse.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: So it wouldn't be unusual for her to see, unfortunately, dead bodies.
Speaker A: Right. I don't know.
Speaker B: Which is weird. As to why she fainted. Why would you faint? As a nurse, why would you faint at the sight of a cast of a dead body?
Speaker A: You were about to tell me. Because she recognized him.
Speaker B: Well, maybe she did, and that's why she fainted. Yeah, but it's just that, to me, proves it more that she knew who he was. Okay, but the last piece of the puzzle was the light inscription in the back of the book underneath the nurse's number. They examined it under ultraviolet light in order to expose the indentations, and five lines of incoherent letters popped up. The second line was crossed out, and the first three, including the second, crossed out, one, were separated from the last two lines by a pair of lines with an X over them. So potentially, we've got a code, because this currently is gibberish. The message was sent to Naval Intelligence, where the best cipher experts in Australia could possibly do this, and the police allowed the message to be printed in the press for amateur code breakers to try their hand at it similar to the Zodiac Killer stuff, which they just cracked.
Speaker A: They did.
Speaker B: But it gives us absolutely no more information than we already have.
Speaker A: It was Ted Cruz. Case closed.
Speaker B: Yes, ma'am. I feel like that's when we're going to have to do a two parter on, and I think both of us should do it.
Speaker A: Yeah, it's a heavy lift.
Speaker B: It's such a heavy lift. But yeah, that'll be fun. So neither the experts nor the amateurs could crack the code. And the Navy itself determined that it was unbreakable. And I think it has a lot to do with the fact that there isn't enough of the code in order to decipher. Because the more code you have, the more easily you're able to recognize patterns and therefore you're able to make educated guesses in order to try and crack it. And this one is just not long enough for them to do that. So the coroner eventually published his results in the investigation in 1958, which is ten years after this man was found. And the coroner was finally like, all right, this is it. He concluded it with, quote, I am unable to say who the deceased was. I'm unable to say how he died or what was the cause of death. End quote.
Speaker A: Thanks, Bob.
Speaker B: Really. All right. I don't know.
Speaker A: I have no idea.
Speaker B: So the body of the, quote, unknown man lies, uh, in Adelaide's West Terrace Cemetery, where he was reburied after the inquest that revealed the case's namesake. So the tummy shoot by the Salvation Army and the South Australia Grandstand Bookmakers Association, which I got really excited about because I was like, oh my gosh, they're book binders. They're not they're bookies. They make and keep bets. So now let me think.
Speaker A: They have a long running bet of like, what's the over under that? We figure out who this guy is. Um, you have to pass that on 50 years. If somebody's like great great grandson is going to crack the code, that'd be awesome. It's going to be a race to get the answer to the head bookie, who's like, I love that Dick Van Dyke old man from type character.
Speaker B: I love that. He wasn't supposed to play that part. He just asked to. And they were like, sure, let's try it.
Speaker A: And he was like, great, I'm going to commit real hard.
Speaker B: Love, Dick Van Dyke. All right, so let's get into our theories. Okay, so mistaken, impossible identification. So mistaken identity. Impossible identity. After discovery of the body was reported, the adviser, an Adelaide newspaper, gave the possible identity as that of E. C. Johnson, about 45 and author. Let's start that over. After the discovery of the body was reported, the adviser in Adelaide newspaper gave the possible identity as that of, quote, E. C. Johnson, about 45 of Arthur Street Paint. The next day, Johnson went to the police station to identify himself. He was like, they were just making guesses. Um, I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive.
Speaker A: Thank you.
Speaker B: A few days after the discovery of the body, a man claimed to have had a drink with the man resembling the coroner's, um, photograph at a hotel in Glenlg, which is a town very close to Summerton Beach. On the 13 November, the mystery man apparently produced a military pension card with the last name Solomonson. That's the end of that. There was no more done in there.
Speaker A: All right, cool.
Speaker B: Two people identified the body in early January, uh, 1949, as 63 year old former woodcutter named Robert Walsh. But one eventually retracted the statement based on a scar that was missing. But Walsh is also still missing. We don't know where he went.
Speaker A: Oh.
Speaker B: There were several more positive, quote, identifications of the body. And in November of 1953, the police announced that they had received the 251st solution to the body's identity. But none of these panned out. So 251 identifications have been made of the body, and all of them were wrong.
Speaker A: It's a swing and a mess.
Speaker B: It's just weird to me that you can be like, Yeah, that's him. Whoops? No, not him.
Speaker A: No, just kidding.
Speaker B: In 1959, an inmate of the New Zealand prison named EB Collins claimed to know the identity of the dead man. That's it. I couldn't find this anywhere else. I found this in only one source, and he didn't say as to who the dead man was. He was like, I know. I'm like, Oh, okay.
Speaker A: Also, I feel like any information that comes from inmates in prison, uh, should be taken with a grain of salt gain by being helpful, um, to have information.
Speaker B: Yeah. So that's also the end of that one, but the next one is pretty promising. In 2011, a woman found an identification card in her late father's possessions that wasn't his. It was an identification card issued to foreign seamen during World War I in the US. The man's name was H. C. Reynolds, and it was issued to him on February 28, 1918. He was British and 18 years old. She contacted biological anthropologist, which I'm sorry that I did not check into how to pronounce this. Mackiege Henneberg. All right. Um, about it. He compared it to the photographs of the unknown man, and he found anatomical similarities in the nose, lips and eyes, and even found a mole in the same position on the face. But it was the ear shape that made Henenberg, uh, believe the two men were one and the same. The ear shapes are possessed by only one to percent two of the Caucasian population. The top hollow of the man's ear is larger than the lower hollow of his ear. So, like, the top feel it. The top hollow up.
Speaker A: Everybody touch your ears. Take your AirPod out.
Speaker B: So, like, the hollow where it goes into your ear was smaller than the top hollow.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: Uh, so that it's apparently very unusual. However, extensive searches have been conducted in the US, the UK, and the Australian Archives and haven't produced any other documents or records that can positively identify HC. Reynolds or even relate to him. So spy.
Speaker A: He does not exist.
Speaker B: He do not exist. So this is the identification card that she found. Isn't he cute? He looks like so he looks like a schoolboy. Yes. Um, he's baby.
Speaker A: He needs to sit up straight. Yeah.
Speaker B: I'm not sure what that was about, but apparently it matches the ear of the death man, which I promise not, um, to make that well, you're going to do it. You promise not to make.
Speaker A: That. Won't be the first photo on the Instagram at this podcast doesn't exist. Like and follow subscribe please turn on your post notifications because sometimes I share really fun things to the stories.
Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Do it. So if he was a spy, here are our theories. There are two sites close to Adelaide that would have been of interest to a spy. Mhm in 1948. One was the Radium Hill uranium mine, which was important for bombs, and the other was the Wimera test Range, which was an Anglo Australian military research facility. So we have to remember, this is after World War II, but now we're preparing the Allies are preparing for the possibility of retaliation from Russia, from Germany, although Germany is in real deep economic depression at this point. Like, they're trying to make sure that they've learned their lesson from this enormous war in order to protect the rest of the world for the rest of time. So they're building all these more bombs like the ones at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So these would have been of interest, uh, to spies who might have been double agents. Mhm therefore looking like they belong to one side, when in fact, they belong to the other. All of that.
Speaker A: Um.
Speaker B: So Australian security agencies were being reorganized at the time, which was finalized the following year with the founding of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, which is basically their version of the CIA. Uh, this was followed by a crackdown on Soviet espionage in Australia. Didn't know that happened, but makes sense. Russia and Australia are kind of close.
Speaker A: They're in the same is it hemisphere when it's east and west?
Speaker B: No, I don't know what that is. Is it now I'm thinking about it and I'm like, I shouldn't say anything with confidence. Northern Hemisphere, southern Hemisphere. Yeah, we got that. But like, eastern Hemisphere, western Hemisphere? I don't know if that works.
Speaker A: I don't know.
Speaker B: Because you can't necessarily split that way.
Speaker A: There's a whole plot line. It's like a minor plot point on the west wing of we're on a detour.
Speaker B: Sorry.
Speaker A: Enjoy this. So President Bartlett has this or well, technically it's, um his chief of staff, Leo McGary has this thing that he calls Wheel of Cheese Day because Andrew Jackson, when he was president, would have a day, uh, like, once a year during his presidency, where he'd have a wheel of cheese in the lobby of the White, uh, house, and people could come, uh, in and share their out.
Speaker B: Of all of the things that Andrew Jackson ever did, that was the only good one.
Speaker A: Yeah. But anyway, so the way it translates is that Leo lets kind of like niche lobby groups come in and present their case or their topic to a senior staff member. And one of the things that Alice and Jani's character sits down with these people who are like, uh, the map that is taught in schools is like, wrong. The sizes have been messed with to make Europe and America look bigger. Bigger. And like that he's just like, what? What is happening? And that's what I feel like right now. Yes. Theoretically, like Australia and Russia are like, relatively close. Russia's closer to Australia than America, depending which part of America. Because you're used to seeing the map like this. You're like, oh, the distance from America to Australia. You cross over, but you actually go backwards around the back of the club. Go behind the map. Yes, go behind the map to just like yeah, anyhow all right.
Speaker B: But yes, they are relatively close. So this sparked the Venona Project, which was a US. Counterintelligence program meant to decrypt messages transmitted by the intelligence agencies of the Soviet Union. And the project found an espionage ring in the UK. And a Soviet one within the Manhattan Project that was building the bomb, which is terrifying to think about.
Speaker A: That's like Hydra hiding, uh, inside a shield.
Speaker B: Yes, exactly. You're welcome.
Speaker A: You're welcome.
Speaker B: Marvel. There was a rumor, um, that this man was a UK to Soviet spy, or even a double agent. So he was English, but he was recruited by the Soviets to be a spy for them, or he was a double agent for both. Alfred Boxall makes another appearance in this as he was working with an intelligence and special operations unit when he met Justin. And the thought was that he could have leaked something to her so that maybe she was a spy too. She was involved in this. This also potentially coincides with the book itself, the ruby being a cipher among a certain circle of spies. This gets a little iffy, though, because the copies were very different editions. And so the cipher probably wouldn't have been able to be worked from another edition because your typeface is going to be different, all that kind of stuff. So there was no real way to check this. There was no real way to confirm this. But it's an interesting idea. It was probably a one time encryption algorithm that corresponded to a poem, um, in the RubyAt, since it matched the quadrant format, the way that the letters are spelled out. But too few letters was again the issue. And with the book being lost now, because guess what? They lost all of this stuff, all of the suitcase, all of his clothing, the actual little thing that says Tommy Shoot on it, lost it all. Either it was lost in a move for them to transfer stuff from one space to another, or it was flooded out and they were just like, well, this is trash now, or sabotage.
Speaker A: Sabotage.
Speaker B: Yeah, I'll still see I don't know why I needed to say it.
Speaker A: I don't know why we're French now.
Speaker B: But without being able to find the same edition of the Rubyte, we won't really be able to test that.
Speaker A: You never know.
Speaker B: Uh, the Jestin's daughter spoke on a 60 Minutes investigation in 2013 and said that her mother had lied to the police. She did know the Unknown Man's identity and that he was also, quote, known to a level higher than the police force. She also suggested that her mother and the man may have both been spies. Her mother taught English to migrants, could speak fluent Russian, although she didn't disclose where she learned it and was interested in Communism.
Speaker A: The daughter where are we all, though?
Speaker B: A little bit? The daughter also opposed the exhumation, uh, for no apparent reason. If you're not actually connected to this man, why do you get a say in whether or not you oppose it? But whatever. So now let's move into family connections, because it might get even more interesting. The Abbott investigation, led by Professor Derek Abbott, because he had to name it after himself in 2009, led to crack the code and the case and hopefully use DNA from the body if exhumed, to confirm suspicions. So this is why Justin's daughter was like, don't exhume the body. Like, I opposed this, but it was like tetesty, and there's something to hide. We need something. The Avid investigation also found the real name of Justin. Her name was Jessica Thompson. I'm like, did you just squish this? But okay. She had two children, the eldest of whom she had as a single mother named Robin. Um, Robin shared the same specific ear feature as the Unknown Man and also had hypodontia, which was a rare genetic disorder resulting in the absence of one or more teeth, excluding the third molars. So it wasn't necessarily that you were missing just one tooth. It was that you were missing basically the matching teeth on either side, uh, of your mouth. So instead of however many normal teeth you have in your mouth, I think 36.
Speaker A: You, um, should know.
Speaker B: I should know. I don't I'm the daughter of the bone shaman, and I still don't know sorry, uh, dad. But it was basically that. It wasn't that he was just missing one tooth. It was that he was missing matching, um, teeth on either side. And that's a genetic at least you're symmetrical. Um, so he was missing both lateral incisors, which was only present in 2% of the general population, which is minuscule the chance that this is a coincidence that this boy and this man share both of these.
Speaker A: The dead guy had the tooth thing, too.
Speaker B: Yeah. Okay, so the possibility of these two sharing each of these traits traits. Thank you. I couldn't think of the word. It's not a coincidence, because it's estimated between one, um, in 10,000,001 in 20 million.
Speaker A: I wouldn't take those odds.
Speaker B: Right. I wouldn't bet against them.
Speaker A: No.
Speaker B: So DNA testing could prove whether or not Robin was the son of the unknown man by testing his daughter's DNA against it. Robin has since passed away. Obviously, the body has yet to be exhumed, but the daughter of Robin is very interested, uh, in finding out. Maybe we can figure out if I am related to this unknown man. But this also means that Jessica's reaction to the bus is much more poignant. She has an intimate relationship, um, with this man, potentially, and he was the father of her son, and she is just now finding out that he's dead. So DNA testing has not been cleared so the ability to mhm DNA test him has not been cleared until 2019.
Speaker A: What?
Speaker B: In October of 2019? They cleared it. So we might have an answer soon, but it won't give us his identity. It'll just give us the ability to test. Did this actually happen?
Speaker A: Maybe it'll give us more than just him to Robin, to the granddaughter.
Speaker B: Might be able to do a 20.
Speaker A: Maybe we can branch out sideways and therefore fill in the get, like all the roads lead to this person, who is maybe this guy.
Speaker B: Yeah. So I'm hoping that that's what happens. I've heard no more word on it. If you guys have, let me know, because I'd love to hear it. But also just a kind of cute little tidbit. Derek Abbott ended up marrying Robin's daughter because of this investigation.
Speaker A: Um, I hope you wrote the paper before you guys got together.
Speaker B: I don't know.
Speaker A: Professional ethics jam?
Speaker B: Yeah, I have no clue. But I think it's kind of cute because it was like, I really want to figure this out. I really want to figure this out, too. Like, kind of banding together stuff. So here are our final notes. There was a sighting of a different strange man on November 1948, checking out from the Strathmore Hotel opposite the Adelaide Railway Station, where they found the suitcase. Ina Harvey, the hotel receptionist, uh, noticed him and said he had stayed for a few days mhm before the body was found. She remembered he spoke English and only carried a small black case, kind of like a musician or a doctor might carry, but not like the suitcase that they found. So that's a little interesting. When an employee looked inside the case, which, like, how did you look inside of, uh, the case that he was holding? All right, whatever. He said that there was an object that looked like a needle inside of it. So maybe he was an assassin. But the witness didn't pipe up until years after the body was discovered. So I'm like, I have very little faith in you.
Speaker A: Wait, can I ask a question?
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: When they opened the suitcase, you said they found, like, a stencil for the merchant, um, marine. They didn't find anything through that.
Speaker B: So there were two Navy men who came forward thinking that this unknown man was their friend who had gone missing the night before, but it turned out not to be him. He was also a Navyman. And they ended up finding him, um, alive and well. He just got real drunk.
Speaker A: It happens sometimes.
Speaker B: Yeah. So there was that. So it was a little bit like, oh, my gosh, it could be true. But then it wasn't. There was also a statement that was neglected in the police report from 1959 by a man who had been on Summerton Beach the night of November 31, 948. He said that he saw a man carrying another man on his shoulder near the water's edge, but couldn't describe the man carrying the body. He assumed it was a friend carrying his drunk companion home, which that would have been my assumption, too.
Speaker A: Been there.
Speaker B: Right. But it possibly comes up with a theory of, like, if he was poisoned and maybe he was redressed. So that makes sense as to why there was sand in the cup of his other pair of pants that was in the suitcase. And they moved him to another spot so that he could die without people being able to piece things, um, together.
Speaker A: Right. Or, like, get them out of the hotel room or less discoverable by putting them in public.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: I don't know.
Speaker B: I don't know. Um, and then lastly, we know that the book has been lost. We know the suitcase has been lost, but so have some of the witness statements. Um, from the police records. They have been deemed either no longer required or destroyed, which I'm, like, never destroy anything. I know that it's really hard to keep stuff. I know that it's like, money and space and all that stuff.
Speaker A: Now I want to, uh, go in and add it to my will that's, like, if I die under mysterious circumstances and the police if law enforcement deems documents no longer relevant, please issue them. Like, return the documents and evidence to my family members.
Speaker B: Yeah. Don't destroy something sorry, children.
Speaker A: But if you end up with a bag of evidence, like bloody clothes or.
Speaker B: Whatever, just, like, put it in a.
Speaker A: Little fire safe box just in case the police could get a crack in the case and they might need it back. Keep it sealed up. Don't show it to your friend. Don't show it to your friends. Come on. Any child of mine.
Speaker B: Yeah, absolutely. All right, so here are my thoughts. I think he was a spy and he was HC. Reynolds. He was involved in Soviet espionage and he was killed by a government assassin who gave him digitalis and allowed him to have his initial convulsions and poison reactions somewhere else. He then redressed him in clean clothes, carried him to the beach, set the scene and a cigarette in his mouth, and left him there to die. I also think he died earlier in the day. Like, I think he might have just been dying as the couples were passing. So not at 02:00 A.m. When the coroner decided. And I think that had a lot to do with the ambient temperature because this is summer. But I also do think that, um, Robin is definitely his kid because how could he not be? Those are slaves. And we don't know whose dad is right. Anyway, there must have been some kind of spy ring with the Ruby out as a cipher for a specific code mhm. But since it was a government sanctioned thing and he was a spy, that's why we can't find him anywhere. We can't find another book anywhere because maybe it was issued by the government.
Speaker A: They disassemble it real quick.
Speaker B: Yes, and the records have been few and far between of him because he was a spade.
Speaker A: Honestly, if you're using a book called The Ruby, you're just asking for a movie franchise. You know what I mean? Like, the RubyAt spy ring just sounds so good.
Speaker B: Sounds glitzy. Honest glitzy. But that's it. That's all I have for you. What do you think? You think he was a spotty?
Speaker A: I mean, that's way more exciting.
Speaker B: Well, yeah, but I mean, he could have been a drunk dude. Yes, but then why wouldn't we know his name?
Speaker A: And like, why all this blood and all this yeah. Sounds weird. Well done. That was very exciting.
Speaker B: Thank you. I'm glad you didn't remember it.
Speaker A: As we were talking, I was like, oh, she's going to talk about a nurse at some point. But I didn't remember all the fine details. I believe I said this in the last time that we recorded it, but I kept expecting you to talk about I mixed this up in my head, this case, with another case that I feel like was also in, um, Australia. Maybe a man who washed up on a beach with a briefcase changed his wrist.
Speaker B: I remember you talking about, uh, this. It obviously is not the same case.
Speaker A: It's not the same.
Speaker B: And I think it must have been Australia because I remember that day.
Speaker A: I will do that case in the future, if that case even exists.
Speaker B: Maybe that's just something both of us have heard. No, it's really funny.
Speaker A: I'm pretty sure I heard about it on Stuff You Missed in history class. But maybe that means it was solved. Or maybe I don't know.
Speaker B: We'll find out. We will definitely find out. Yeah, that's what this podcast is for us to solve all of the world's.
Speaker A: Mysteries or be very frustrated in the process.
Speaker B: Yeah, well, if you'd like to see any of the photographs, you can go to Instagram and find us at this podcast doesn't exist. And in the link in Bio, you can find, if you click the link, our bingo card and where you can find us on other podcast hosting sites, I guess.
Speaker A: Yeah, our link tree bio is a really helpful uh, or our link tree.
Speaker B: Link that is found in our bio.
Speaker A: You think we'd be better at this by uh now, also, Linktree is a.
Speaker B: Very helpful link to share with friends.
Speaker A: If you're not sure which podcast app they use, because we have a whole bunch of them. And if there's a platform that you.
Speaker B: Use that you would love to see.
Speaker A: Us, uh, on, please let us know. You can send us an email at this podcast doesn't
Speaker B: We'd love to hear your theories, your.
Speaker A: Episode suggestions, any spooky or conspiratorial stories, um, you may have.
Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, if you've listened to our mailback episode, we read them.
Speaker A: Yes. And we've developed a new tagging system in the Gmail uh, yes. So that neither of us will have read the others. I haven't read any of them. I tagged yours, and I tagged mine without reading. So I think our last mail bag was fun, but I think the next one will be even more exciting. But we can't record it until we.
Speaker B: Have enough mail, so send it our way, friend. Haley Ruth. Thank you. Specifically Haley. Haley just keeps sending us stuff, which I fully appreciate. Uh, you must be a conduit for supernatural things, because the amount of stuff that has happened to you, I can't there's so much. But I do appreciate it. I still want to hear it, Hailey. Still send stuff. Please. This is not a call for you to stop. I just want everyone else to know we read them, and we are excited by it, and we love being able to hear it. So send it our way. And if we have enough, maybe we'll do another one next month. Yeah. All right, well, thank you for listening. Thank you you for listening. Shannon.
Speaker A: You got it.
Speaker B: And remember, this podcast doesn't exist.

The Mother Source:
ABC News:
The Smithsonian (good read):
THe Herald Sun:
The Adelaide City Explorer: and

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