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Ep. 19: Woo! Politics: El Dorado

Now we would love to all find a city of gold, but could we actually succeed? And why do we even think there is one in the first place? Come listen as Shannon tells Emma all about El Dorado, both the maybe mythical place and the 2000 movie (Elton's greatest work) that everyone should be in love with.

Ep. 19: Woo! Politics: El Dorado

Speaker A: Hello.
Speaker B: Hi.
Speaker A: I'm Shannon.
Speaker B: I'm Emma.
Speaker A: And this is this podcast doesn't exist.
Speaker B: I know you're not, but it feels like you're screaming.
Speaker A: I'm doing it. Not for the Graham. For the fans.
Speaker B: For Zach, Haley, and Ruth.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker B: And Jesse. Oh, that's true. Yeah. And Jesse. And Jordan.
Speaker A: And Jordan.
Speaker B: I like that. We can just name all of our todd.
Speaker A: Don't forget Todd.
Speaker B: No, never forget todd.
Speaker A: Um, and possibly our parents. I know both of my parents have listened to at least an episode. Same once, my mom said, Good job on The Denver One. Yeah. That being said, if you want to share this podcast with a friend, we would love that.
Speaker B: And we'll learn their name as best we can. Yeah.
Speaker A: They can join the Shout Out list.
Speaker B: The fan club.
Speaker A: The fan club.
Speaker B: I love it. What would our fans be called?
Speaker A: Even I was thinking about this because I wrote an abbreviation in my notes for this podcast doesn't exist. It was fan adjacent, but I was like, yeah. Do we have an acronym or an initialism? But Tpde they all sound the same.
Speaker B: They're all the E letter. I don't know. It'll happen eventually. Someone else will come up with it. We won't have to worry about it.
Speaker A: I think most organically fan groups, it's better when they name themselves.
Speaker B: Also, I don't want to think about it.
Speaker A: You're dealing with a lot. I think that would fall under my purview of marketing, but that's all right. This isn't our real job.
Speaker B: No, but it's our fun job.
Speaker A: Uh, it's true. Someday it is a job.
Speaker B: Basically, the amount of work that's what I was thinking about last night while I was doing the rest of my notes. The amount of work that we both put into this at this point. It's like a job.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker B: It's a part time job.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: I was going to say, thank goodness. Most jobs I don't, but maybe I don't know what I'm trying to say. For this job, I do most of my work between the hours of 10:00 P.m. And 02:00 A.m., and I'm glad none of my other jobs are like that.
Speaker B: Yeah, that would suck.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker B: But as far as this job goes, the person that you have to report to is me, so don't worry about it.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker B: So, what are you reporting to me today?
Speaker A: You know me. I always have a little gimmick at the end.
Speaker B: You do? I'm very excited.
Speaker A: Emma? Yes? I have a short questionnaire for you.
Speaker B: Oh, gosh. Is it multiple choice, or is it true or false?
Speaker A: Please answer yes or no. Okay.
Speaker B: So true or false one.
Speaker A: Do you like historical mysteries? Yes. Do you enjoy nostalgia?
Speaker B: Yes.
Speaker A: Um hope you answered yes to both, because both are good.
Speaker B: Is this eldorado? It is. Oh, my gosh.
Speaker A: I'm so happy you got the joke. I'm so pleased.
Speaker B: Emma is shaking. She has cysts of glory. The road to Eldorado is such a good movie.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: Don't worry. We'll get into it. Yes.
Speaker B: No, I know.
Speaker A: But, Emma, aside from the classic animated DreamWorks film The Road to Eldorado from 2000 uh huh. What do you know or remember about the legend of El Dorado?
Speaker B: Land made of gold and conquistadors in Mexico? Yeah. South America.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker B: So not Central America. South America may be correct.
Speaker A: All right. We're going to dive into a little bit of the history and the legend, and then we'll go on from there as we do. All right. So from early on in their exploration and conquest of the quote, I'm going to acknowledge that I'm going to refer to it as the New World for this episode because the history is being told from the point of view of Europeans. We acknowledged that there were obviously native people here first. It wasn't new. It was just new to them.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: From early on in their exploration and conquest of the New World, aka. South America, europeans made note of native people's apparent abundance of gold and silver. They especially took note that the native peoples did not seem to place much value in these materials, which gave the impression that it was very abundant. Because if you have a lot of something, it's not valuable sort of thing in the way of, um you and I both love books. We both own a lot of books. But if there were only 500 books in the world and you owned one, you would really cherish that. But if you owned, like, 400 of the 500, maybe you'd be like, they're.
Speaker UNK: Books.
Speaker B: Does that make sense? It does make sense. And logically makes sense. I'm just thinking now of, like, if there were only 500 books in the.
Speaker UNK: World.
Speaker B: We don't have time now.
Speaker A: That's a list.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker A: So, um, explorers of the continent of South America, particularly the Spanish, heard rumors of great city states that had accumulated power and wealth on the continent. In 1519, Hernan Cortes captured Emperor Montezuma and sacked, uh, the mighty Aztec Empire, making off with thousands of pounds of gold and silver. Fun fact cortez, the historical figure appears in the animated movie Eldorado.
Speaker B: Yes, he does.
Speaker A: And he's voiced by Jim Cummings, who is most famous for voicing Winnie the Pooh. What?
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: Isn't that funny?
Speaker B: Voice actors are wild. I remember watching I don't know what it was, but it was like a compilation of all of these voice actors basically, um, explaining how they got into voice acting. And for the majority of them, it started off with music. So if you think about how versatile a lot of voice actors voices actually are in the way that they're able to manipulate their voices, it makes a lot of sense that they would also be good singers and interested in the way that things sound and interested. Exactly.
Speaker A: Your soft palette and all that all that fun stuff.
Speaker B: So I remember watching that and being fascinated that they were like, yeah, it's like the most direct link. It's not even really acting. It's more music that they're producing through their voices and voice acting.
Speaker A: Where I'm like, well, that's wild related. Just because it's music and because I'm me, I'm going to talk about it. It's not related to this episode. But actors on The West Wing also say that about Aaron Sorkin's writing because he's notorious for writing these monologues that are super pithy and quick and super duper fast. And you just go but he, um, thinks of it like Duly Hill, I think, on a podcast, is talking about how you have to think of it as music because there's a tempo that he writes with. And if you don't like vibe with his tempo makes sense to me, too. It's hard to memorize Aaron Sorkin monologues.
Speaker B: Dolhill is a musical person.
Speaker A: He's a tap dancer. Honey, we love him.
Speaker B: I love him and his sweet little baby. This is a shout out to Dewleh love Delay Hill.
Speaker A: All right. But anyway, we'll talk more about it. We'll talk more about the animated movie. I just thought it was funny. That's hilarious that Cortez is, like, one of the villains in the movie.
Speaker B: And he's.
Speaker A: Always a while ago, yes. After Francisco Pizzado led an expedition to locate and conquered the Inca empire of Peru in the early 1530s, revealing the wealth of the empire, the legends of native treasure on the continent grew even more because at this point, they're like, well, we've proven it twice. The Aztecs ending Income, they had all this treasure in the schools. Like, obviously, everyone on this continent is rich. It's also possible that Pizzaro and his men may have acted as inspiration for the characters of Miguel and Tullio in the movie because they, too, were initially thought to be gods by the native Income people because they rolled up on.
Speaker B: Uh, a horse looking real pale and looking real pale.
Speaker A: They'd never seen anyone pale white guys before, I guess. So most of these conquistadors were illiterate, passing the story by word of mouth, which only caused the legend to grow more in its grandeur. Um, so the term eldorado itself comes from a tribe called the Moiska, located, uh, high up in the Andes Mountains in what is now Colombia.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: And it was not initially a place, but a single man.
Speaker UNK: What?
Speaker A: So El Dorado, or gilded one, is um. The translation from Spanish refers to a ceremony that would be completed whenever the tribe needed a new leader. So this man, who was often the nephew of the previous chief, um, would cover his naked body in sticky SAP and then be covered with gold dust. And then he would be rowed out into the center of Lake Guadavita, surrounded, uh, by the four highest priests, adorned with feathers, gold crowns, and body ornaments. I'm going to show Emma quick little.
Speaker B: Picture of this lake.
Speaker UNK: Wow.
Speaker B: It's like a crater.
Speaker A: Yes, it's very beautiful. It's gorgeous. You can view all of these images on our Instagram at this podcast.
Speaker B: Doesn't exist. We didn't do any of the clubs. Start going through your bingo too, because I have a feeling that there's going to be a few.
Speaker A: Yes, I do give you a couple. Like, I point them out. I don't just throw them in for no reason. But, um, play along. It's lots of fun. Jessie got triple bingo last year. No.
Speaker B: Also, she's been getting bingo almost every episode.
Speaker A: I think maybe now that we've made it feels backwards. But now that we've made the bingo card larger, it's almost easier.
Speaker B: Probably because there's more options.
Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, I don't play.
Speaker B: Uh, so I have no idea.
Speaker A: Yeah, I haven't played in a minute.
Speaker UNK: Either.
Speaker A: I'm out here working.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: Got to make this podcast money.
Speaker B: We don't currently earn any money from this podcast.
Speaker A: We don't, but I have to go make money. So I can afford to do this as a part time fun job. That's true. As do I with my nose. Hustle in. Hustle.
Speaker UNK: Hustle.
Speaker A: So anyway, the new chief, he's being rowed out by the priests into the center of the water. While the members of the tribe would stand on the shores playing music and burning fires, dressed in their best finery, the priests would throw offerings of gold and precious jewels into the lake to appease the gods. And then the golden leader would dive in and emerge clean, thus purified with the God's blessing.
Speaker B: I really like that. That image is beautiful. Uh, yeah. Imagine that if you couldn't swim.
Speaker A: Well, I don't think he'd be the leader. That's fair.
Speaker B: You died. They'd be like, well, no, they'd be.
Speaker A: Like, the gods did not approve.
Speaker B: God said.
Speaker A: No. That I wrote. Um, the crowds would cheer their approval. Woo.
Speaker B: Politics.
Speaker A: So apparently this ceremony had fallen out of fashion by the 1630s, after eldorado the man, or the title and his tribe were conquered by another tribe. But it had been around in recent enough history that those damn Europeans heard tell of the legend, which obviously didn't help dissuade them from exploring the continent further. I don't go super into it, but throughout my research, a lot of things were discovered that they were not viewing as treasure, but like cinnamon and chocolate.
Speaker UNK: Chocolate.
Speaker A: All these things that we're taking back to the new World or the old world, and we're very great, um, just is funny. But they were like, it's not shiny, so it's trash. We don't want it. We're like, we want it, but it's not what we really want.
Speaker B: Not just saying no to chocolate.
Speaker A: I mean, yeah, I don't know. Also, please keep in mind that even though it's the wrong country, um, the wrong timeline, I kept picturing Governor Ratcliffe from the pocahontas movie in just the song of like, gold.
Speaker B: I mean, it's mine. It's the, uh same energy. Energy, yeah. Same colonialism uh, same colonial energy. Also, Pocahontas is, like, the least factual movie ever.
Speaker A: Sorry.
Speaker B: Uh, beyond the points.
Speaker A: Yes. Agreed. Though. She was, like, ten. Same colonial energy. Sorry, that just made me laugh.
Speaker B: I'm glad.
Speaker A: But we're not putting it on the.
Speaker B: Merch, and we're not making it no.
Speaker A: All right. So these Europeans had encountered such an abundance of precious metals along the coast that they reasoned that an even greater source of treasure must lie further inland because it had trickled down economics down the river.
Speaker B: Trickled down gold and silver.
Speaker A: Gold and silver and precious jewels. Uh, sometimes. Anyway, in 1545, the Spaniards conquered the plateau that was, and still is, home to the Muiska um, people. Working off their greedy assumption from the Eldorado legend, the Spanish attempted to drain the lake. Lake water visa.
Speaker UNK: Sorry.
Speaker B: I don't know.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker B: I was like, you just drill a hole into the side of the mountain, uh, portion, and then just hope that it all flows out.
Speaker A: I don't no.
Speaker B: Sorry.
Speaker A: While they recovered several hundred pieces of gold and precious stools, they reasoned that this couldn't possibly be the extent of the treasure. And so the search continued.
Speaker B: Greedy butters. Yes, correct.
Speaker A: So they only were able to, um, partially drain the lake, and they were like, well, the real treasure must be somewhere else and or in the deeper part of the lake that we can't get to.
Speaker B: Why don't you just swim?
Speaker A: Okay, but you can swim to the middle. Gold doesn't just float.
Speaker B: No, I know.
Speaker A: I just die through but if it's I could have looked how deep the lake is, I don't know. But one of the sources, which are in the show notes, emma cleans, uh, them up nice and pretty for you guys. One of the sources was from the, uh, BBC. Did you just throw a gang sign at the microphone? Are you a YouTuber?
Speaker B: What's happening? Yeah, that's me. And for some reason, it was the peace sign. It needed to be thrown at the microphone when no one can see me.
Speaker A: But you, please know that we oscillate between looking at each other, looking at our notes, and looking at you guys via the microphone. So just feel included. Visual bit. Mark it on your bingo.
Speaker B: I just don't know why I felt.
Speaker A: The need to do that. It's just you being around me. I do this and, like, all my pictures on Instagram. I'm like, do you? On my story?
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: Tik Tok is my personality now.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker B: I know.
Speaker A: It's fine. It used in high school, it was Tumblr. In college, it was Tumblr. And now it's just TikTok.
Speaker B: I like that the first two are the same. Well, it was a different type of.
Speaker A: Different sort of anyway. But in the sources, uh, that Emma cleans up for you, one of them is a BBC news article.
Speaker UNK: Tiny.
Speaker A: I think it's a clip from a larger program. But, um, the nice British man is in Colombia, and he goes and he speaks with a descendant of the Moisca, um, people, which is pretty cool. That is awesome that they're still there and carrying on traditions. Not this gold rowing the guy tradition, from what I can understand, but still cool.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: But anyway, the greedy Europeans were like, nah, several hundred pieces of gold. That ain't it. The search continues. Expeditions could last anywhere from a few weeks to upwards of three or four years. It really just had to do with your dedication and a bit of luck, because sometimes bad things would happen, and you'd have to leave early. Explorers, they may not have cheese it, so I left. Explorers would sign on to an expedition with their own armor, weapons, and horses. So sort of, uh, obviously different clothing and things, but same energy as, like, Tortuga in The Pirates of the Caribbean. You're just hanging out until someone's like.
Speaker B: Hey, I got a boat. I got a job.
Speaker A: I got an expedition. Here we go. Also, if you had a horse, you could carry more treasure, so you'd get a larger cut whenever you found the treasure. Uh, anywhere from 100 to 700 men would sign up per expedition, which how do you even manage that many people? I don't know.
Speaker B: They would set off I wrote in.
Speaker A: Any old direction, really. Maps from the time show the supposed location of El Dorado shifting over time because an expedition would travel there, and guess what? It wasn't there. So then they put it somewhere else on a map of, like, well, it.
Speaker B: Might be over here. I can imagine them trying to make a map of it and being like, X no. And then most people looking at it and going, that's where the gold is. And, like, it happened over and over.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: That's funny. Some, uh, leaders of the expeditions would apply locals with gifts for information, while others would resort to torture and murder. Yes. Because of the latter, uh, native tribes quickly learned, uh, that the easiest way to deal with these explorers was to give them the old, have you tried my neighbor? The goals you're looking for is maybe over with them because then they move on, which, uh, was very smart on the part of these native peoples because many of these conquistadors were not of nobility, but they, uh, were very violent. They were violent men with nothing to lose and everything to gain. And some of them even had fought in wars back in Europe.
Speaker B: Basically mercenaries.
Speaker A: Yes, exactly. So now we're going to talk briefly about some notable expeditions for the road to Eldorado. Okay, so in 15, um, 36, just get ready to mark your pronunciation bingo card. Because I'm doing my best. I studied German. Keep this in mind.
Speaker B: You've been doing very well with the Spanish, though. Yes, but we'll see how this goes.
Speaker A: Okay, so in 1536, Gonzalo Jimenez de Casada set out from Santa marta with 700 men by so many. By early 1537, they reached the home of the Moistka people, which, um, they swiftly conquered. Cassata's expedition was the one that actually found Eldorado, like the man that but they were greedy and thought that the discovery was only minor, not the, quote unquote real El Dorado, because they didn't really understand that it was more of a title and a ritual. Uh, by this point, the legend, like you said at the beginning, like Golden City, everything's made out of gold. That's what they were looking for. And they found a, um, lake with some gold in it. And they were like, that can't be it. That ain't it, SIS.
Speaker B: That ain't it.
Speaker UNK: Kid.
Speaker A: What's that from? Of course.
Speaker UNK: Musical.
Speaker A: You're welcome, everybody. We're just handing out bingo at this point.
Speaker B: I will say, though, our bingo is geared towards the way that we talk.
Speaker A: Anyway, yeah, that's the point.
Speaker B: We didn't make it hard. Yeah.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: So then in 1541, Gonzalo Pizzaro, brother of Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of the Inca, lead an expedition east from Quito.
Speaker UNK: Quito.
Speaker B: Um, let me see.
Speaker A: Q-U-I-T-O.
Speaker UNK: Yeah. Okay.
Speaker A: After, uh, a few months, he sent his lieutenant, Francisco de ORLANA, in search of supplies oralana, and his men instead found the Amazon River.
Speaker UNK: Whoa.
Speaker A: Which they followed to the Atlantic Ocean, which is another one of those things that's, like, minor in terms of treasure hunting, but was kind of a big deal.
Speaker B: It's a huge deal.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker B: That's hilarious, though. They get to this gigantic river and they're like, dang it, we didn't find anything.
Speaker A: I guess we'll just go down this river then.
Speaker B: And then they get home and report about this river, and all the trainsmen are like, whoa. Yeah.
Speaker A: Um, I am not an outdoors person. I'm an indoor cat.
Speaker B: Yes, you are.
Speaker A: But if I've gathered literally anything from learning about explorers, from reading about adventures, because I love adventure books. Very interesting survival books. Also Mount Everest, but that doesn't relate to this story. If I've learned anything, you find the water and you follow the water, and hopefully maybe you'll survive. The end. Anyway, so we found the Amazon NBD in 1559, pedro de Usua Sure started out leaving an expedition from Peru in starts of the Golden City. Unfortunately, he was soon narrated by Lopez de Aguera.
Speaker B: Sure, I'm just going to let you do it because me asking Can I see it? Every single time is not going.
Speaker UNK: To.
Speaker A: If you understand that reference, it's just text us.
Speaker B: We are probably a friend.
Speaker A: No, we are thinking globally.
Speaker B: Emma.
Speaker A: Sorry. Anyway, but Lopez de Iguara was a soldier from within his own ranks who was called, quote, a paranoid psychotic. So he went nuts. He mutinies, he murders Ursua.
Speaker B: Sure.
Speaker A: See, the actor part of me is like, you're saying it wrong. And the other part of me is like, but you acknowledge, uh, you're going to say it wrong. So just, like, keep on trucking.
Speaker B: You're doing your best, I'm sure. It's fairly close.
Speaker UNK: Anyway.
Speaker A: It can't be worse than my Latin, honestly.
Speaker B: Correct. Your face just fell. What I mean by that is that no, it can't, because it's a different language. It's not your language. I know, but doing very well. You did well with the Latin.
Speaker A: You did well with this.
Speaker B: You can't do any worse.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker B: Thanks, mom.
Speaker A: So anyway, Aguda turned ranks against the leader, and he continued on a reign of torture and terror, declaring their group independent from Spain.
Speaker B: So he became, like, the leader, the expedition leader?
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker B: After Mutining.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: So he killed the leader and some other people and turned the rest of the group against the dead people. And he was, like, your leader now. And then they just went through and we're killing all these natives. He declares them, um, independent from Spain, which means that he ends up getting himself killed by Spanish soldiers.
Speaker B: Someone had to take care of it, obviously.
Speaker A: But there are, like, other books and things specifically about him because he was so vicious. He was, like, a butcher.
Speaker B: I wonder if it really was that he was, like, um, paranoid, psychotic, or if there was something else going on, or if there was some kind of.
Speaker A: Like maybe he got malarious, maybe. I don't know. All right, and then I believe this is our final notable expedition that we're going to talk about sir Walter Raleigh.
Speaker B: Oh, golly. Remember him?
Speaker A: Yeah, of course. Here to Queen Elizabeth. I wearer of rough candidate for possible quote unquote, real Shakespeare stuff. Bingo card. There's a call back to a previous episode. You're welcome. He actually went on two expeditions to search for Eldorado yes.
Speaker B: Which, like, I never yeah. I had no clue the article was talking about it.
Speaker A: Like, oh, this is just common knowledge. This is something he's known for. I'm like, I've never heard this. Granted, I'm not, like, a super huge.
Speaker B: Sir Walter Raleigh fan, but you would have thought you would have heard something.
Speaker A: About it or when I was researching about Shakespeare.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: But anyway, in 1595, he set sail with a fleet. A group I don't know how big a group of boats or ships has to be to qualify as a fleet.
Speaker B: That's a fair point.
Speaker A: So I said, fleet, group, question mark of five small ships. And this is considered an act of open hostility towards Spain, uh, because they were very protective of their holdings in the New World. I can see that.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: Uh, Britain had what is now the United States of America kind of unlock. Although the Dutch were in there, too, and the French. And the French.
Speaker B: But Spanish were trying. Yeah.
Speaker A: So Sir Walter Raleigh and his, um, ships, they reached the island of Trinidad, attacking and taking the town of San Jose. They captured Antonio de Barrio. I just really turned into someone from Jersey. Um, all of a sudden.
Speaker B: Antonio debario oh, he's so.
Speaker UNK: Cute.
Speaker A: I feel like on the third version of the bingo card, we need to put, like, a host takes on a random, improv character.
Speaker B: It's usually.
Speaker UNK: You.
Speaker A: What can I say? I got a lot of personalities. Yes, it's fine. So, antonio de barrio, um, he was a high ranking spaniard who had spent, uh, years searching for eldorado himself. And barrio tells them all he knows and tries to dissuade them from going.
Speaker B: But I wrote, greedy white men will not be assuaged.
Speaker A: Good word. Thank you. I did go to a college.
Speaker B: A college.
Speaker A: The plan was to travel up the orinoco, uh, river against the current, like.
Speaker B: Orinoco flow that song by.
Speaker UNK: Enya.
Speaker B: You don't know that song?
Speaker UNK: No. What?
Speaker B: I don't think so. I thought every kid of the 2000s knew that. I will play it for you later. All right.
Speaker A: It might have been if it was early, early two thousand s. That was still when I was in germany, so I might miss the maybe the memo on that. But the plan is to travel up the Orinoko river against the current, following it back to its source. And supposedly at the lake of treasure, they were fearful also, in addition to natural elements and the native peoples, they were fearful of running into the spanish.
Speaker B: Expedition because the spanish would have been not happy. You don't want to step on any toes there.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: So upriver. Walter raleigh befriended an older chieftain named topi owari. He did this by establishing himself as an enemy of the spanish, and therefore, the two of them bonded over. Having a mutual enemy of my enemy is my friend, honestly, is a mood. I'm, um, an awkward person when it comes to I mean, I think I've gotten a little bit better now that I'm more of an adult, but in middle school, high school, college, I struggled to just instantly connect with my peers. Like orientation week of college, I wanted to hang out with the professors more than I wanted to hang out with people in my orientation.
Speaker UNK: Group.
Speaker A: But whenever I'd be in a class, um, like, if we had to be in groups, it was easier to be like, oh, this professor is so dry, or so annoying or whatever. And then you just pull out some of that sarcastic wit, and that's how it bonds. That way, it's fine. So to pio, ware told um, raleigh of a rich culture living in the mountains. Raleigh easily convinced himself that the um culture was an offshoot of the rich inca culture of peru, and that it must be the fabled city of manoa, which is how eldorado was sometimes referred to manoa. In some sources, it seemed like, oh, they were kind of two words or two phrases for the same kind of place. And then in others, it made it sound like no manoa was this mythical golden city in this geographical region.
Speaker B: And Eldorado is over here. Maybe, like, one is in Peru, one's in Columbia.
Speaker A: Yeah. So interesting kind of myth sources on that. I loved this little factoid. Raleigh's scouts gathered rocks in hopes that they would yield some sort of being.
Speaker B: Containing gold or, like, some kind of.
Speaker A: Ore, some essence of gold, that it would act as proof when they went back to England.
Speaker B: It's a good thought.
Speaker A: Um, yes. It's just the fact it was like, they gathered rocks. I'm like toddlers on a hike. And though he felt he was close, raleigh turned his expedition around due to increasing seasonal rains and a continued wariness of the Spanish. Okay. But he made a deal with the chief. Upon his return, the English would help the tribe against the Spanish, and the tribe would help guide the English to this golden city.
Speaker B: At this point, is the tribe kind of like, yeah, okay, we'll take you down the.
Speaker A: River. We can't know for sure because all of these accounts are from the European perspective.
Speaker B: That's fair.
Speaker A: So I don't know how much of it is like, oh, they actually believe.
Speaker B: That there was at least a richer culture.
Speaker A: It doesn't sound like they were like, yeah, there's a city of gold, but they were like, there's a rich culture over here. We'll help you find them, versus how much of it was like, these dumb white guys. Let's tell them what they want to hear, and they'll help us.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: As part of this agreement, raleigh left two men behind, and Sophia Wari's son came back to England with them.
Speaker B: Kind of as, like, cultural, um, exchange. Uh, here's some proof that these people exist. And I guess agreements have been made, maybe for them. It's like, you take care of my people, I'll take care of your people.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: And maybe the chieftain wanted his son to go away from where Spanish were attacking tribes and was like, well, maybe he'll have a better life in England, or he'll learn some things and come back. I don't know. Raleigh does make it back to England, and it's disheartened to hear that he's basically a joke, like people are making, because he didn't find really anything. The rocks turned out to be nothing. Just the rocks. Um, and there's little national support for a second trip to the New World for, uh, him to go searching for Eldorado. Queen Elizabeth is not into it.
Speaker B: She's like, I need more plays, rolly.
Speaker A: Well, he has some more drama. Like, he married one of her maids without permission. And that's how he ended up in the Tower of London for a little bit at some point, to be a queen, someone takes you off, you're just.
Speaker B: Like, put them in the Tower.
Speaker A: Get him out of here. He did eventually make it out of the Tower of London. Um, and he did return to the New World in search of Eldorado in 1617. Okay, so just to remind you and myself. His first journey was in 1595. Okay, so this is a while.
Speaker B: Yes.
Speaker A: And in the interim between his two personal trips, he was trying to raise finances, to send other, like, scouting trips to search for proof, to kind of redeem his belief that there was a golden city out there. So he returns in 1617. Although Topiowari passed away not long after Raleigh's first voyage, the goodwill remained, and future English explorers benefited from it. So cultural exchange. That's good. Maybe if you don't murder native people, they will still be willing to help you or help people that look like you. Now an old man himself, though, Raleigh sent his son, um, up the river, and he chose to remain behind at a base camp on the island of Trinidad. Unfortunately, his son, both his outcome and his name are unfortunate. Watt raleigh died during, um, a confrontation with the Spanish.
Speaker UNK: Watt?
Speaker B: Like W-A-T-T?
Speaker UNK: Correct.
Speaker A: I don't know.
Speaker UNK: Watt.
Speaker B: Maybe it was a nickname. Maybe for Walter. This is, like, 16 whatever they can't spell, really yet.
Speaker A: True.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker B: I don't know. But he died, so he died, and.
Speaker A: Um, Walter Raleigh was devastated. Devastated, super ticked off, super angry. Apparently, there was one survivor that had been out with his son, uh, that survived the confrontation and came back to deliver the news, and he ripped into him anyway. So Sir Walter Raleigh returned to England, both sunless and goldless, and was then executed for, among other things, disobeying orders to avoid conflict with the.
Speaker B: Spanish. Wait, he wasn't there, but he was.
Speaker A: In charge of the expedition? Like, he should have told his son and his men, like, run the heck away.
Speaker B: But maybe they did.
Speaker A: The crown doesn't care. I find it the Royal Queen cares not. Uh, and at that point, I believe I didn't write it down, but at that point, queen Elizabeth had already died, so it was a different monarch.
Speaker B: So it wasn't like, I, like, a favorite anymore. You can say Queen Elizabeth.
Speaker A: And then after that, I'm like James. Yeah, James the first question mark.
Speaker B: Yeah, because he's James the Fifth of.
Speaker A: Scotland or something like that. Look, it got real complicated politically.
Speaker B: Tom, I know your mom is really into this. I know you guys learned all of, um, this. Can you please just tell me all the English we thought we had?
Speaker A: It hard with memorizing, like, 40 presidents, you know?
Speaker B: And it was easy.
Speaker A: It was like, well, they were either in office for four years or eight years, or if it was shorter, they died in the UK.
Speaker B: It's like yeah.
Speaker A: And there were multiple thrones that were up for contention.
Speaker B: And there's also a mixture of male and female, whereas for us, it's all white men except for one.
Speaker A: This is true. But wasn't it only, like, two Elizabeth Sina Mary at all as Henry VIII?
Speaker B: Maybe, I think, from my conception of it, because everyone is marrying other people as princes and princesses and queens and kings and stuff, like William and Mary. Mary was the Queen of England, but William comes first, so all that kind of crap. Tom, can you help me?
Speaker A: Um during the 16 and 17th centuries, europeans still believed that a hidden city of immense treasure existed after all this.
Speaker B: Time of not being able to find it.
Speaker A: Look, it's a big continent. It's a lot of jungle, too. It's not like you're walking through the forest, and it's easy. So numerous expeditions were mounted to search for the treasure, all of which ended in failure. Spoiler alert the inclusion of El Dorado's location, uh, on maps only made matters worse, as it made some people think that the city of Eldorado's existence had been confirmed.
Speaker B: Wait, so where on the map are.
Speaker A: They putting El Dorado? The mythical city of Eldorado on Lake Parimay, was marked on numerous maps until its existence was disproved by Alexander von Humboldt during his Latin American expedition from 1799 to 18.
Speaker UNK: Four.
Speaker A: And then I'm going to show you a little map, Emma. I love old maps. Well, you get the big version, and then I zoomed, uh, in on the other because you can't really see the Eldorado part. Don't worry, audience. Both the full map and the zoomed in part, uh, will be on the Instagram.
Speaker B: I love old maps because they try so hard to be like, yes, this is very accurate. And then they draw just, like, weird.
Speaker A: Uh, creatures, like a bunny.
Speaker B: Oh, that bunny is actually cute. Okay, so manoa I see manoa and then Eldorado.
Speaker A: Okay, yeah. So on the northeast side of this lake until Alexander Bonhonbolt went there, uh, and was like, hey, guys, I was here, and there's no Golden City. No Golden City. So where is El Dorado?
Speaker B: Through that sheet of water, like a waterfall. But then you go through it, and it's like a cave, and then it opens out into, like.
Speaker A: The according to a poem. According to a poem by Edgar Allan Poe. Over the mountains of the moon, down the valley of the shadow ride, boldly, ride, the shade replied, if you seek for El Dorado that's the end part.
Speaker B: I wasn't going to redo the whole poem. Thank you, Pope.
Speaker UNK: Pope.
Speaker A: There are, in fact, um, many El Dorados ranging from Mexico and the United States to Canada and beyond. Canada?
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: People just be name in town.
Speaker UNK: Eldorado.
Speaker B: This is, like, for me to triangle.
Speaker A: In Ireland or like, you search I was searching on Google Images for a, um, Snazzy gold.
Speaker B: You know what the legend says for.
Speaker A: Instagram, and a bunch of the photos.
Speaker B: Were for, like, spas yeah. And golf like, resorts. I was like, this is not I get this when I was doing Atlantis, too, at one where is Atlantis? And it's like, Atlantis, palm Springs, Florida.
Speaker A: That's it.
Speaker B: And I was like, wow.
Speaker A: I mean, you find a gimmick, you milk it.
Speaker B: I guess.
Speaker A: Honestly, I should have written it down. There is a town called Eldorado somewhere in the Midwest. I'm going to say Kansas.
Speaker B: That's probably true.
Speaker A: But during the promotion for the animated movie, they, um, really leaned in. They painted the streets gold and had, like, gold coins.
Speaker B: Oh, I really love that. I seriously enjoy small towns that genuinely are like, okay, our name might be Devil's Hill, but we're going to lean heavily into it because then what you're doing is you're saying, we are so proud of our town, and we enjoy being here, and we want to share that with other people. So let's just lean into the gimmick of it all and have fun with it.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker B: Love that.
Speaker A: Like, there are towns called Christmas.
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: And it's just bananas. Don't think I'd want to live there, but wouldn't mind living, like, an hour away. If you really wanted to feel like a Hallmark movie moment, you could just go, yeah.
Speaker B: And you're absolutely.
Speaker A: It's only September. I don't care.
Speaker B: Well, it's like Athens, Georgia, or Paris, Texas. I've been to both. Paris, Texas is hilarious because there's like that red Eiffel Tower with mhm. No, the Eiffel Tower is gray. And then the hat on top, the Texas cowboys hat on top, hanging off of the Eiffel Tower is bright red, and the hat is enormous. The Eiffel Tower is maybe as tall as the building next to it.
Speaker A: Well, everything is bigger in Texas, Emma, honestly.
Speaker B: But it was super cute. We passed through, and then we went to all these antique stores and then had lunch and laugh.
Speaker A: Have I told you my idea that relates to this sort of thing?
Speaker B: I think you have, but tell me.
Speaker A: I want to host a travel channel show or web series where you go to misnomer towns. So you go to Paris, Texas, and you see if there are fun things to do or if it's just like, oh, they share the name. And there's nothing really interesting because I love when you see that kind of thing. Like, what is it? There's, like, a town in Pennsylvania called Scotland, and whenever we saw the sign, I'd be like, Scotland. I think that would be fun. It would be fun. Someone hired me to do.
Speaker UNK: That.
Speaker B: So, Emma, you may be wondering, I.
Speaker A: Am was any of it real, or is it all just a legend, this idea of Eldorado?
Speaker B: Eldorado the man in gold, or Eldorado.
Speaker A: The City of Gold?
Speaker B: Well, in general, either or in general, I would like to believe that the man of Gold is true, because it sounds true.
Speaker A: I would hope that the City of.
Speaker B: Gold is true, that they kept it secret for forever, but I don't think that's true.
Speaker A: Well, yeah. So, again, our records of this ritual of the Moistka people was from a European, so, uh, grain of salt. But that original point of interest, the initiation ritual, appears to have some plausibility after the 1969 discovery of a gold sculpture that appears to depict that sort of event. You'll see in a moment, Emma, I want to show you the photo. There's, uh, a heavily adorned single figure rising above the other figures on what appears to be a raft. So I will show Emma this photo. So you'll see the really tall guy in the middle. We think that's the chieftain. You see four kind of priests, and then, uh, smaller figures on the outside of the raft. They assume to be the rowers. Um, is this a 3D thing? Yes, the figures are very flat. The BBC news article also went a little more in depth about, um, this, which I didn't feel was duper relevant, but talking about how there, um, was an abundance of gold in this area around Lake WADA Vista, because they would create, um, these very sort of flat but anthropomorphic figures out of gold. But they believe they were only created in, um, existence for maybe between a few hours and a few days, because they so frequently were used in, like, sacrificial sort of ways at this lake. So they would make them real quick, and then, um, throw them into the.
Speaker B: Water to be thin and small in.
Speaker A: Order to well, they were doing the method. They were, like, creating a mold, sort of out of clay, I think, and pouring the gold. So it makes sense that you would want it thin, because then it'll harden quicker and everything. But this has a similar vibe to those that have been discovered. And while archaeologists cannot label this finding of this particular sculpture as definitive proof of the eldorado initiation ritual, it does appear very similar, if not also very likely, that this is something that would happen in that culture long ago. Okay. Unfortunately, there is still a lot, um, of looting occurring in these regions, even into the modern day. Apparently, when new sites of treasure were discovered by looters in the, uh, in northern Colombia, it caused the world gold market to crash, because so, um, much gold was discovered that it became worthless. Which is kind of ironic. Yeah. It's like you went hunting for treasure to be rich, and then you found so much of it that it's worthless. And unfortunately, these pre Colombian gold artifacts, a lot of them get melted if they're found by looters, but some of these artifacts have been rescued from melting, and they can be viewed at the Museo de Oro in Bogota and, uh, in the British Museum in London, because what's not in the British Museum, they just pick it up. Little trinkets from everywhere. That cursed mummy. So I definitely recommend checking out if you're interested, you can check out the sources. You can watch that little there's a five minute clip from the BBC, um, about it. Any thoughts on that before we move on?
Speaker B: Um, no.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: And because we're us, we always love tying it into pop culture. So, to bring it full circle, would you like to hear some fun facts about the 2000 animated features? The Road to Eldorado?
Speaker B: Yes, please.
Speaker A: Okay. I love that some of my notes are just little, like, blurbs, and some are like a script, and it's fine. So now you're right. It's one in the morning time. We've got a bit of a, uh, star studded cast. We do, which, honestly, um, always kind of surprises me when it comes to animated movies.
Speaker B: Um, like, Anastasia is a stacked cast. Yes, it is.
Speaker A: But I didn't notice that until I was in, like, 9th grade and I was actually reading the credits. But that's a whole other episode of The Pod. We will save Anastasia for later. So, up first, you have renowned Shakespearean, uh, actor Kenneth Brana as Miguel.
Speaker B: Yes.
Speaker A: And American Theater Hall of Fame inductee Kevin Klein.
Speaker B: And Julio, my mom's favorite actor, which is hilarious to me.
Speaker A: So, Klein is known for work on both screen and stage, including a recent role as Calvin on Bob's.
Speaker UNK: Burgers.
Speaker A: I really love that. There you go. Kenneth Brana also directed Thor, so there's a phantom reference, uh, for you if you haven't already marked it on your bingo card. There you go. And unusually for an animated film, client and Brana actually recorded their lines in the same studio together, so they were able to like because this whole movie is like a buddy comedy, road trip sort of adventure film. So they got to build up that buddy energy.
Speaker B: And actually, a lot of their dialogue.
Speaker A: Was improvised, and some of it ended up in the film.
Speaker B: Please tell me the stars are delived.
Speaker A: I don't know. So, as I previously referenced, you have Jim Cummings winning the Poo himself, playing.
Speaker B: Cortez winning the Poo himself.
Speaker A: So, Frank Welker, best known for voicing fred Jones in the Scooby Doo franchise, voices their horse. Altivo, I asked you to bring an HDMI table, uh, because I found where to watch it for free online. Eldorado yes, it's on Peacock. For anyone that know cares, it's free to sign up. So we'll be streaming out from my phone later today, I feel like, because I haven't seen it in so long.
Speaker B: I absolutely love it. The last time I watched The Road to El Dorado, I was doing transcription work for my book class, so I was transcribing early modern English, uh, penmanship while watching Rose.
Speaker A: Uh, you're like, all the history, right? And then we have several other super well known actors, but, uh, we don't have time to go into everybody.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: But finally, we have Sir Elton John yes. With what is perhaps my favorite, uh, credit, um, of a character name ever, which is The Singing Narrator. That's right, emma, in case you are like me and totally forgot, the Road to Eldorado actually has a lot of music with lyrics, not just, like, cinematics.
Speaker B: We rode weed blaze. That kind of stuff and to battle.
Speaker A: I was trying to listen to the.
Speaker B: Music while doing this research and I.
Speaker A: Couldn'T do both at the same time. I will point out that Kevin Klein did win a Tony for Best Actor in a musical, um, back in 1981 for prior to Pennsylvania. So they could have gone the traditional music route and had the characters sing the songs, but they did not. They decided, no, we're not going to do that.
Speaker B: And kind of Franco can sing talk like Rex Harrison pretty well.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: There you go. So this music brought back together Elton John, Tim Rice and Hans Zimmer, who had previously collaborated on this, uh, tiny little movie that you might have heard of called The Lion King.
Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. I didn't know that.
Speaker A: Yes, and I found it. So last night when I texted you, I was like, oh, I took a turn from I don't know what I'm doing to now. I'm really dorkily excited. It's because I watched the trailer for Road to Eldorado on YouTube and I found it very interesting that in the trailer, they specifically say, like, Elton John and Tim Rice from The Lion King, which is so interesting because that's a DreamWorks. I'm like, wow, you name dropped, like, a major competitor's movie. But okay. Things were different back in 1999, I guess. Apparently, uh, Emma, a cast and crew special edition recording of the soundtrack exists. It does, but was never released to the public.
Speaker UNK: Why?
Speaker B: I don't know.
Speaker A: It includes theatrical versions of the songs, including the song It's Tough to Be a God, recorded by Kevin Klein and Kenneth Branna.
Speaker B: I bet you Elton John's just got, like, stacks upon stacks upon stacks of things that he's a bit like Prince when he passed away of just a room that still gives all of his stuff.
Speaker A: No, I feel like Elton John wouldn't have this because he is the soundtrack, so he wouldn't keep the cast and crew recording as, like, release this when I.
Speaker UNK: Die.
Speaker A: But, I mean, we've passed the 20.
Speaker B: Year anniversary, maybe 25. I need it.
Speaker A: Our Kenneth Brown and I started having on Twitter. We just need to start with org.
Speaker B: Let's make this a real thing. Oh, my gosh. Would I be so happy? Yes. I know that Kevin Klein can sing so nicely.
Speaker A: I don't care if he can sing now. Could he sing back in the year 2000?
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: I have another fact that I think you're going to find funny.
Speaker UNK: Okay.
Speaker A: The Backstreet Boys provided uncredited backing vocals on the song Friends Never Say Goodbye. The group is banked by Elton John, following the credits in the CD booklet.
Speaker B: The only mention they get. This is also 2000, though, so this makes a little bit of sense to.
Speaker A: Me for those of you listening at home.
Speaker B: So all of you, please know that.
Speaker A: As soon as I said the words the Backstreet Boys, Emma collapsed as though she had been punched in the stomach or Emma. We were so irresponsible, we didn't buckle in.
Speaker B: We didn't buckle in.
Speaker A: We were on horseback for most of this, so that's fine. But if she had been wearing a seatbelt, she folded over that seatbelt. Like when your mom slams on the.
Speaker B: Brakes really hard, you just need the mom arm across me.
Speaker A: Yeah, you needed the mom.
Speaker B: Arm. I will say, when I was a.
Speaker A: Kid, for Christmas one year, it must.
Speaker B: Have been when I was about six, um, or seven. I had two major music loves. The first was the band called Bewitched. If you remember Bewitched, it was A, B and Asterisks. And then Witched, like W-I-T-C-H-T-I love them Irish group. They only have really, like, maybe two, uh, albums. But as a six year old child, I had their cassette tape, and I would listen to it on my Walkman all the time. I loved it. And then I had the Backstreet Voice. I was not an In Sync girl, although I now appreciate and love In Sync, but I was a Backstreet Boys girl. And my mom, one year for Christmas, gave me a cassette tape, uh, of one of their albums. Keep in mind, I am six years old. And a notebook and stickers and pencils. That all, um, had all of their memorabilia and stuff. And I honestly think, uh, it was K feed on my notebook. And I think the only reason she bought it was because he's in the Backstreet Boys.
Speaker A: Kevin Federaline. Uh, yeah, right. I only know him as famously being married to Britney Spear.
Speaker B: Yeah, baby. He's in Factory Boys. And Aaron Carter's brother Nick.
Speaker A: Yeah. Hold on.
Speaker B: Shannon is looking up the members of Backstreet Voice.
Speaker A: I'm on his Wikipedia page. And you may hear audience at home. There is.
Speaker B: Nothing who is in Backstreet Boys?
Speaker A: Hi, I'm my grandmother. Yeah, dude. I hate to praise you. He is not who's in the Backstreet Boy? You got Nick Carter on vocals.
Speaker B: On vocals. Are they not all singing?
Speaker A: Now that you mentioned it. And I look at the other four members, they're all just listed as vocal. Nick Carter, AJ Mcclee with the Richardson, kevin Richardson, Ryan Latrell, and Howie Duro. Yeah. Kevin Federline is nowhere to be found. OK. Why did I think it was Khan? I don't know. Well, I was an Insync girl.
Speaker B: As Zach has told me, I'm not allowed to say anything with confidence anymore. He roasted us so far. He came up from the gym and he was basically like, so Australia and Russia are so far away from each other.
Speaker UNK: Literally.
Speaker A: I'm in the group text, australia and Russia, very far away from each other. Also, Alaska is like, that right next to Russia. I was like, I know, Zack.
Speaker B: We made fun of ourselves on the podcast. Yeah, I told him. I said that Alaska was close to Russia and that probably isn't all that close.
Speaker UNK: Right.
Speaker A: We went into the whole joke of like, right, but we only think that Alaska, Russia far away because we're used to looking at the traditional map around the back side of the map.
Speaker B: Anyway.
Speaker UNK: CheeseBack.
Speaker A: We'll save it. For corrections, mailbag episodes one last note on the topic of music in the animated movie. According to the Wikipedia, there's apparently a Best Buy exclusive track titled Hey.
Speaker UNK: Armadillo.
Speaker A: Which I did not do my due diligence and see if it's available on YouTube. But if it is, we'll throw it in this.
Speaker B: Absolutely we will.
Speaker A: So I'll talk a little bit about development of this movie because I'm a nerd about these things and you're my hostage. The rest of them can skip by.
Speaker B: But you get to listen to.
Speaker UNK: This.
Speaker A: So in October 1994, uh, we're both low babies.
Speaker B: I'm a bitty baby. You're like a little toddler. Yeah, I'm one and a half.
Speaker A: You're like toddling around, causing trouble. Former Walt Disney Company chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg had, um, met with screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Roseo.
Speaker B: Sorry, I got distracted by the fact.
Speaker A: That Ted and Terry feel like very similar names, but they're actually not. But anyway, he gave them a copy of Hugh Thomas's book Conquest montezuma Cortez, and the Fall of Old Mexico, and was like, use this as a jumping off point.
Speaker B: Figure it out. Okay.
Speaker A: And in the original concept, the story was actually a little darker and more dramatic. But at the time, Dreaming Burke was in production on The Prince of Egypt. So Cassie Berg was like, oh, let's lighten it up. Because the Prince of Egypt is so.
Speaker B: Good, but real heavy. Yeah, it's heavy. But that music man.
Speaker A: So good. He's a what? He's a what? He's a music man.
Speaker B: Oh, my God.
Speaker UNK: Sorry.
Speaker A: Uh, this is how my brain works. But yes, the principal is just so good. I want to see it on stage. It was in the West End before the world shut down, so hopefully someday. But because of this kind of rewrite situation, the road to Eldorado was put on hold. And it was jokingly referred to as, uh, Eldorado, the Lost City on hold.
Speaker B: Because it was kind of constantly being put on the stats.
Speaker UNK: Owner.
Speaker A: I feel like it's a thing of like, movies who have to go through that. Then when they finally get made, they are kind of mixed at the box office and then they become cult classics like The Princess Bride. Yeah. Apparently the team originally thought this movie was going to be rated PG 13. So it actually had, um, a lot more intense adventure and love sequences. Well, there is a love sequence in it. No, but it was more intense. And apparently Chelsea clothing was going to be a lot more scandalous. But then they were like, just kidding, it's for the kids. Tone it back.
Speaker B: Bring it back.
Speaker A: And they really just decided to focus on the friendship between Miguel and Julio, and we love it.
Speaker UNK: Yeah.
Speaker A: So while the film was released in, uh, 2000 to mix reviews, and it's considered a box office bomb because it did not recoup its $95 million budget.
Speaker B: What?
Speaker A: $95 million?
Speaker UNK: Yes.
Speaker A: It takes a lot of money to make movies. I'm up. But anyway, even though it is considered a box office bomb, it has regained popularity through the format of the Internet meme.
Speaker B: And rightly so.
Speaker A: And I will wrap it up by saying we invite our fantastic listeners to create their very own this podcast doesn't exist. Both these good memes and share them with us. With your permission, we would love to reshare them on the podcast Instagram. You can find us at this podcast doesn't exist.
Speaker B: Follow us.
Speaker A: Turn on your post notifications because, um, sometimes I post little hints or little jokes, little TikToks that relate to episodes. It was the Blue Devil Horse sculpture's.
Speaker B: Birthday the other day.
Speaker A: I know that that, uh, was fun. So give us a follow.
Speaker B: We want to be friends. And send us your stories, your haunted stories, your adventure stories, um, anything you feel like we would like to read, listen to. I couldn't think of a good word for it.
Speaker A: What is a verb?
Speaker B: What is a verb? Send them to this podcast doesn't And I will say I am very proud of myself for, um, thinking that quickly and getting, um, that both is good, right?
Speaker A: I'm very proud of you.
Speaker B: Also, I'm pretty impressed that my, uh, brain actually was able to do that.
Speaker A: Yeah, because sometimes I try to do a joke and it doesn't work because Emma's brain is on a different wavelength of mine.
Speaker B: Well, it's a Dell computer trying really hard to boot.
Speaker UNK: Up.
Speaker B: Don't be.
Speaker UNK: Me.
Speaker B: She ended up holding her dull.
Speaker UNK: Computer.
Speaker A: We did just fine. Things got a little questionable at 01:00 A.m. Last night, but it's okay. We made it through. But yeah. Unless you have any other thoughts, Emma?
Speaker UNK: No.
Speaker B: This is a great I'm very proud of you. Thank you.
Speaker A: I feel like we're just slowly completing the pop culture things that we love and forgot we loved as young Ins, and we're just bringing them into the podcast.
Speaker B: I mean, I cannot express to you how happy I was that after the Atlantis episode, I was able to watch Atlantis and feel the same way I felt when I was, like, 14 watching this movie. It was so good. Side note, very off topic, I introduced Zach not last night, the night before to Rogers and Hammerstein Cinderella with Whitney Houston and Brandy, and I will say he loved it. And I remembered just how freaking good that movie is. And you are currently looking at me like you.
Speaker A: Have never seen it.
Speaker B: I have been your best friend for how long?
Speaker A: Like, eight years?
Speaker B: How have I not made you watch this movie yet? I don't know. Tonight, when we get this. It will have a double fee double feature.
Speaker A: I mean, if we're really time effective, we can do a triple feature. We could do El Dorado, Cinderella, and Atlantis, because I, uh, didn't watch Atlantis after your episode. I'm a terrible friend.
Speaker B: Uh, it's because I want to be.
Speaker A: Able to sit down and actually put my phone, uh, away and pay attention.
Speaker B: It's so good.
Speaker A: I know.
Speaker B: Also, talk about diverse casts I have. And Cinderella.
Speaker A: Yes, this is true. Yes, I do love the memes that are like, why, yes, a white man.
Speaker B: And a black woman had a Filipino son. Also, I love the Goldberg in general, but her comedy in this is just like, she doesn't have that large of a part that she's like, I'm going to make the most of this, and it's so good.
Speaker A: Milk it, honey.
Speaker B: Milk it. And Victor Garber is her husband, and it's great.
Speaker A: And he was in Titanic, so we got it together.
Speaker B: All right, we're going to go plan.
Speaker A: Our next movie night. Share your thoughts with us on Instagram and over the email.
Speaker B: And remember, this podcast doesn't.
Speaker A: Exist.
Speaker B: And say.

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Poetry Foundation: “Eldorado” by Edgar Allen Poe:
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